- Musculoskeletal Imaging
- Neurosurgical and urological imaging
- Treatment of sports and tendon injuries
- Diagnosis and treatment of back and chronic pain
- Sports Medicine
Dr George Koulouris
Sports & Musculoskeletal Radiologist
George Koulouris completed his radiology training at The Alfred Hospital in Melbourne in 2004, having completed a combined general MRI and interventional fellowship. He then worked at Victoria House Medical Imaging and also undertook further training in musculoskeletal imaging at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, USA under the supervision of Professor William Morrison. Here, George assisted in the provision of medical services to all the major sporting associations, including the Philadelphia Eagles, The Phillies baseball team, Philadelphia Flyers (ice hockey) and the Philadelphia 76ers. George has since worked in public and private practice, gaining experience working at several centres and in the different subspecialty fields of radiology.
Throughout his career, George has maintained a determined focus on research, publishing in excess of 30 articles in peer review journals and textbook chapters. He also acted as a consultant for the world’s largest medical publisher, Elsevier, where he helped deliver an interactive web based programme devoted to musculoskeletal imaging in order to help trainees and other radiologists improve their understanding of this field. He gained his medical degrees from the University of Melbourne in 1996 and then completed his internship and basic surgical training at Austin Health (formerly Austin & Repatriation Medical Centre).
George is a musculoskeletal and MRI radiologist and therefore his main interests includes the diagnosis and treatment of orthopaedic and rheumatological disorders as well as sporting and work injuries. In particular, muscle injuries, such as hamstring, calf and groin strains are areas of sub-specialisation, as well as tendon injuries, back, neck and sciatic pain. Other areas of interest include neurological, neurosurgical and urological radiology.
In 2018, George received a grant to travel to and participate in the Radiology Across Borders (RAB) / AMSIG Inaugural Outreach Programme, Hanoi, Vietnam. He also travelled to Yangon, Myanmar in October 2018 as one of the selected radiologists to deliver radiology lectures and case studies as part of the International Skeletal Society (ISS) Regional Outreach Programme (ROP).
- Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (Melb) 1996
- Fellow Royal Australasian & New Zealand College of Radiologists 2005
- Masters of Medicine (Radiology) (Melb.) 2006
- Graduate Certificate of Sports Medicine (UNSW) 2008
& AppointmentsAustralasian Musculoskeletal Imaging Group (AMSIG)
- Immediate Past President 2016 & 2017
- President 2014 & 2015
- Vice President 2012 & 2013
- Fellow - Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR)
- Senior Lecturer – University of Western Australia (UWA)
- Australian Medical Association (AMA)
- Royal College of Radiologists (RCR), UK
- Society of Skeletal Radiology (SSR)
- Australian Football League Medical Officers Association (AFLMOA)
- Sports Doctors Australia
- Sports Medicine Australia (SMA)
- International Spinal Intervention Society (ISIS)
- Australian Association of Musculoskeletal Medicine
- International Skeletal Society (ISS)
- European Society of Radiology (ESR)
- Federation Internationale de Medecine du Sport (FIMS)
- Highlights of the 21th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian Musculoskeletal Imaging Group (AMSIG) 2017, Melbourne, Australia. Dickson T, Wang D, Koulouris G. Skeletal Radiol. 2017 Dec 14.
- Dickson T, Koulouris G. Acute posterior thigh pain in an athlete. Skeletal Radiol Oct 1, 2016.
- Dickson T, McMeniman M, Dhupelia S, Koulouris G. Australasian Musculoskeletal Imaging Group (AMSIG) annual scientific meeting (ASM). Skeletal Radiol Aug 10. [Epub ahead of print] 2016
- Repse SE, Koulouris G, Troupis JM. Wide field of view computed tomography and mid carpal instability: The value of the sagittal radius-lunate-capitate axis – Preliminary experience. Eur J Radiol. 2015 Feb 9. pii: S0720-048X(15)00063-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ejrad.2015.01.020. [Epub ahead of print]
- Schache AG, Ackland DC, Fok L, Koulouris G, Pandy MG. Three-dimensional geometry of the human biceps femoris long head measured in vivo using magnetic resonance imaging. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2013 Mar;28(3):278-84. Epub 2013 Jan 9.
- Askling CM, Koulouris G, Saartok T, Werner S, Best TM. Total proximal hamstring ruptures: clinical and MRI aspects including guidelines for postoperative rehabilitation.Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc Dec 11 [Epub ahead of print] 2012
- Balius R, Alomar X, Rodas G, Miguel-Pérez M, Pedret C, Dobado MC, Blasi J,Koulouris G. The soleus muscle: MRI, anatomic and histologic findings in cadavers with clinical correlation of strain injury distribution. Skeletal Radiol 2012 Sep 4. [Epub ahead of print] 2012
- Leveridge MJ, Bostrom PJ, Koulouris G, Finelli A, Lawrentschuk N. Imaging renal cell carcinoma with ultrasonography, CT and MRI. Nat Rev Urol, May 18 2010 [Epub ahead of print]
- Marshall N, Koulouris G. Traumatic injuries of the hip. Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 17(4):681-96, 2009
- Koulouris G. MR imaging of the athlete. Preface. Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 17(4):xiii, 2009
- Koulouris G, Malone W, Omar IM, Gopez AG, Wright W, Kavanagh EC. Bifid insertion of the distal biceps brachii tendon with isolated rupture: Magnetic resonance findings.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg Jun 15, 2009 - Murphy DT, Koulouris G, Gopez AG, Kavanagh EC. Humeral avulsion of the glenohumeral ligament. AJR Am J Roentgenol193(1):W74-5; 2009
- Koulouris G. Imaging review of groin pain in elite athletes: an anatomic approach to imaging findings. AJR Am J Roentgenol191(4):962-72, 2008
- Omar IM, Zoga AC, Kavanagh EC, Koulouris G, Bergin D, Gopez AG, Morrison WB, Meyers WC. Athletic pubalgia and “sports hernia”: optimal MR imaging technique and findings. Radiographics 28(5):1415-38, 2008
- Zoga Ac, Kavanagh EC, Omar IM, Morrison WB, Koulouris G, Lopez H, Chaabra A, Domesek J, Meyers WC. Athletic pubalgia and the “sports hernia”: MR findings. Radiology 247(3):797-807, 2008
- McMenamin D, Koulouris G & Morrison WB. Imaging the shoulder after surgery. Eur Radiol 68(1):106-19, 2008
- Schache AG, Koulouris G, Kofoed W, Morris HG, Pandy MG. Rupture of the conjoint tendon at the proximal musculotendinous junction of the biceps femoris long head: a case report. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 16(8):797-802, 2008
- Kavanagh EC, Koulouris G, Parker L, Morrison WB, Bergin D, Zoga AC, Dlugosz JA, Nazarian LN. Does extended-field-of-view sonography improve interrater reliability for the detection of rotator cuff muscle atrophy? AJR Am J Roentgenol 190(1):27-31, 2008
- Koulouris G, Ting AY, Jhamb A, Connell D, Kavanagh EC. MR Imaging Findings of Injuries to the Calf Muscle Complex.Skeletal Radiol 36(10):921-7, 2007
- Koulouris G, Connell DA, Brukner P, Schneider-Kolsky M. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Parameters for Assessing Risk of Recurrent Hamstring Injuries in Elite Athletes. Am J Sports Med 35(9):1500-6, 2007
- Marshall N, Maclaurin WA, Koulouris G. MRA Captures Fatal Vasospasm in Fatal Migrainous Infarction. Headache 47(2):280-3, 2007
- Kavanagh EC, Koulouris G, Gopez A, Zoga A, Raikin S, Morrison WB. MRI of rupture of the spring ligament complex with talo-cuboid impaction. Skeletal Radiol 36(6):555-8, 2007
- Malone JW, Koulouris G. MR imaging of the posterolateral corner of the knee normal appearance and patterns of injury.Semin Musculoskeletal Radiol 10(3) :220-8, 2006
- Kavanagh EC, Koulouris G, Ford S, McMahon P, Johnson C, Eustace SJ. MR Imaging of Groin Pain in the Athlete. Semin Musculoskeletal Radiol 10(3) :197-207, 2006
- Lawrentschuk N, Koulouris G, Bolton DA. Delineating the anatomy of oncologic postradiation vesicovaginal fistulae with reconstructed computed tomography. Int Urogynaecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 18(8):955-7, 2008
- Koulouris G, Pianta M & Stuckey SL. The ‘Sentinel Clot’ Sign in Spontaneous Retropharyngeal Hematoma Secondary to Parathyroid Apoplexy. Ear, Nose & Throat J 85(9):606-608, 2006
- Kavanagh EC, Zoga AC, Abboud JA, Koulouris G, Morrison WB. Glenoid Dysplasia: Radiographic, Direct MR Arthrographic and Arthroscopic Appearances. Radiology Case Reports [Online] 1:50-53, 2006
- Roberts CC, Morrison WB, Deely, DM, Zoga AC, Koulouris G, Winalski C. Use of a novel percutaneous biopsy localization device: initial musculoskeletal experience. Skeletal Radiol 36(1):53-7, 2007
- Koulouris G, Connell D. Imaging of hamstring injuries: therapeutic implications. Eur Radiol 16(7):1478-87, 2006
- Koulouris G, Morrison WB. MR imaging of hip infection and inflammation. Magn Resonan Imaging Clin N Am 13(4):743-55, 2005
- Alatakis S, Koulouris G, Stuckey SL. CT Demonstrated Trans-Calvarial Channels Diagnostic of Dural AVF. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 26(9):2393-6, 2005
- Koulouris G, WB Morrison. Foot and ankle disorders: radiographic signs. Semin Roentgenol 40(4):358-79, 2005
- Dawson MA, Mariani J, Taylor A, Koulouris G, Avery S. The successful treatment of primary cardiac lymphoma with a dose-dense schedule of rituximab plus CHOP. Ann Oncol 17(1):176-7, 2006
- Koulouris G & Connell DA. Hamstring muscle complex: an imaging review. Radiographics 25(3):571-86, 2005
- Koulouris G & Rao, P. Multiple Congenital Cranial Hemangiomas. Skeletal Radiology 34(8):485-9, 2005
- Connell DA, Schneider-Kolsky M, Hoving JL, Malara F, Buchbinder R, Koulouris G, Burke F, Bass C. Longitudinal study comparing sonographic and MRI assessments of acute and healing hamstring injuries. AJR Am J Roentgenol 183(4):975-84, 2004
- Connell DA, Pike J, Koulouris G, van Wettering, Hoy G. MR Imaging of thumb carpometacarpal joint injuries. J Hand Surg [Br]29(1):46-54, 2004
- Koulouris G, Connell D, Schneider T, Edwards W. Posterior tibiotalar ligament injury resulting in posteromedial impingement.Foot Ankle Int 24(8):575-83, 2003
- Koulouris G, Connell D. Evaluation of the hamstring muscle complex following acute injury. Skeletal Radiol 32(10):582-9. 2003
- Connell DA, Koulouris G, Thorn DA, Potter HG. Contrast-enhanced MR angiography of the hand. Radiographics 22(3):583-99, 2002
Koulouris G & Connell D. Chapter 17. Soft Tissue injuries. In: Imaging of the Hip & Bony Pelvis: Techniques and Applications. Edited by A.M. Davies, K. Johnson and R.W. Whitehouse. Spinger-Verlag 2005
Koulouris G, Ting AYI & WB Morrison. Mechanisms and Classifications of Spinal Injury. In: Imaging of Spinal Trauma. Edited by E.D. Schwartz & A.E. Flanders. Lippincot, Williams and Wilkins 2007
Koulouris G, Kavanagh EC & Morrison WB. Radiological Diagnosis and Evaluation. In: Surgical Treatment of Hip, Arthritis: Reconstruction, Replacement and Revision. Edited by W.J. Hozack. Elsevier 2006
Federman D, Koulouris G, Kavanagh EC & Morrison WB. Role of advanced Imaging in Distal Radial Fractures. In: Distal Radial Fractures and Carpal Injury: The Cutting Edge. Edited by D. Slutsky D & A. Lee Osterman. Elsevier 2008
Kavanagh EC, Koulouris G & Morrison WB. Post-operative Hip Imaging Signs. In: Imaging of the Musculoskeletal System. Edited by T. Pope, WB. Morrison, J. Beltran, D. Wilson & H. Bloem. Elsevier 2007
- Marovic, P and Koulouris, G, Imaging of the Hamstring Muscle Complex in Elite Athletes, ASPETAR Sports Medicine Journal Vol 5 Issue 2 Sept 2016.
Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), Chicago 2001. Imaging features of the posteromedial impingement (POMI) lesion of the ankle
Australian Musculoskeletal Imaging Group (AMSIG), Melbourne 2001. Imaging features of the posteromedial impingement (POMI) lesion of the ankle
Royal Australasian College of Radiologists (RANZCR), Melbourne, 2001. Imaging features of the posteromedial impingement (POMI) lesion of the ankle
The Alfred Hospital Research Poster Display Week, Melbourne 2001. Imaging features of the posteromedial impingement (POMI) lesion of the ankle
Medical Imaging Australasia (MIA) Scientific Conference, Sydney 2002. Imaging features of the posteromedial impingement (POMI) lesion of the ankle
Royal Australasian College of Radiologists (RANZCR), Melbourne, 2001. MR angiography of disorders of the hand and wrist.
The Alfred Hospital Research Poster Display Week, Melbourne 2001. MR angiography of disorders of the hand and wrist.
Medical Imaging Australasia (MIA) Scientific Conference, Sydney 2002. MR angiography of disorders of the hand and wrist.
Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) 2009. MRI of Muscle Induced Injury. Shelly MJ, Hodnett PA, MacMahon PJ, Moynagh MR, Koulouris G, Kavanagh EC, Eustace SJ
- ISS (International Skeletal Society) Annual Meeting – September 2019, Vancouver, Canada
Pathophysiology and classification of Muscle injuries. - Australian Musculoskeletal Imaging Group (AMSIG) 2019, Auckland - Annual Scientific Meeting
Case of the Day - International Skeletal Society (ISS) Regional Outreach Programme (ROP) Yangon, Myanmar 12 & 13th October, 2018
- MRI of muscle
- MRI of tendons
- Radiology Across Borders (RAB) and Australasian Musculoskeletal Imaging Group (AMSIG) Musculoskeletal Lecture Series, Hanoi, Vietnam 29th June - 1 July 2018
- Shoulder Ultrasound workshop
- Ankle Ultrasound workshop
- Elbow Ultrasound Workshop
- Imaging of Soft Tissue Tumours
- Rehabilitation Medicine Society of Australia and New Zealand (RMSANZ) - Snapshots, 16 June 2018
- Pain Special Interest Group Ultrasound Workshop - Case Discussions
- Australian Musculoskeletal Imaging Group (AMSIG) 2018, Gold Coast - Annual Scientific Meeting
Case of the Day - Advanced Knee Diagnoses & Rehabilitation Course, Australian Physiotherapy Association. MRI of the knee. 17th November 2017, Melbourne Australia.
- General Practice Conference & Exhibition (GCPE), Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre, 10th & 11th November 2017, Melbourne Australia
- TMC (Telemedicine Clinic) Academy - The 5th Barcelona Musculoskeletal MRI Course, 12th October 2017, Barcelona, Spain.
- Muscle injuries
- Foot and Ankle
- TMC (Telemedicine Clinic) Academy - Inaugural Barcelona Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Workshop, 11th October 2017, Barcelona, Spain
- Australian Musculoskeletal Imaging Group (AMSIG) 2017, Melbourne - Annual Scientific Meeting
Case of the Day - Australian Orthopaedic Association (AOA) Victoria Branch – Annual Scientific Meeting, Lorne, Victoria, 25th February 2017
Radiofrequency Ablation for Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome - 8th Muscletech Network Workshop, 3-4th October 2016, Barcelona, Spain.
MRI Imaging of the Quadriceps Muscle Complex (QMC). - Lightbox Radiology: Lower Limb Interpretation Course 4 & 5 June 2016
- Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR) – Annual Scientific Meeting (Queensland branch), June 2015
Imaging of the Meniscus – an evidence based approach. - South African Musculoskeletal Imaging Group (SAMSIG), “Meet the Experts in Africa”, Namibia, September 2014
Basic science of tendinopathy
Controversies of image guided tendon therapies - Australian Musculoskeletal Imaging Group (AMSIG) 2014, Brisbane – Annual Scientific Meeting
Imaging Assessment and Imaging guided treatment of gluteal tendinopathy. AMSIG - Australian Musculoskeletal Imaging Group (AMSIG) 2013, Sydney – Annual Scientific Meeting
Imaging of assessment of angiomyoma. - Australasian Sarcoma Study Group – Annual Sarcoma Conference, Sydney, October 2012.
Imaging of Desmoid Tumours - The Australasian College of Podiatric Surgeons, Foot and Ankle Insight Conference, Sydney, August 2012.
Radiologically guided treatment of tendinopathy
Radiofrequency ablation of Morton’s neuromas - Scientific Co-Convenor Australian Musculoskeletal Imaging Group (AMSIG) Annual Scientific Meeting, Melbourne, May 2012.
Conference Theme: The Tendon - Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR) Annual Scientific Meeting – October 2011
Imaging Guided Treatment of Elbow Tendinopathy - Australian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine (ASUM) – Musculoskeletal Imaging – Melbourne, September 2011
Imaging of the Synovial Entheseal Complex and Tendon treatment controversies - Australian Sonographers Association (ASA), Musculoskeletal Special Interest Group, Melbourne 2011
Cortisone vs Autologous Blood Injection vs Platelet Rich Plasma in the treatment of Tendon disease - Sports and Biomechanics Special Interest Group – Inaugural Sports Podiatry & Biomechanics Seminar, APODA VIC, Melbourne, June 2011
MRI of the Foot and Ankle - Australasian Podiatry Conference 2011, Melbourne, April 2011
Imaging guided intervention of foot and ankle disorders - South African Musculoskeletal Imaging Group (SAMSIG) – “Meet the Experts in Africa”, Botswana, October 2010
MRI of Muscle Injuries - Australian Musculoskeletal Imaging Group (AMSIG) – Tasmania 2010
Panel discussion – Treatment of Tendon Disorders - Combined Australian Orthopaedic Association/Royal Australian College of Surgeons Medicolegal Meeting: “The Medical Assessment of Musculoskeletal Injuries”. Melbourne 2009
1. Principles & basic interpretation of MRI Scans.
2. MRI hip & knee.
3. US & MRI shoulder.
4. MRI vs CT lumbar spine. - Australian Sonographers Association (ASA), Musculoskeletal Special Interest Group, Gold Coast, 2008
Plenary session: Imaging of Hamstring muscle complex injuries
Hands on workshop: Ultrasound of the Hamstrings: How I do it - Olympic Park Sports Medicine Conference, Melbourne, 2007:
Making sense of groin imaging. - Musculoskeletal MRI, Gold Coast, 2007
Hamstring Imaging
Groin imaging in elite athletes - Sports Medicine Australia (SMA) and Football Australasia, Telstra Dome, Melbourne 2006.
Hamstring imaging – The Radiologist’s perspective. Controversies in 2006. - 24th International Congress of Radiology (ICR), Cape Town, South Africa 2006.
Hamstring Muscle Imaging Manifestations
Thigh and Groin Ultrasound workshop
Elbow and Wrist Ultrasound workshop - Thomas Jefferson University Hospital Lower Limb Symposium: 2006
Interesting Cases session. - American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS), Vancouver Canada 2006.
Imaging features of injuries of the calf muscle complex. - Australian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine (ASUM), Melbourne 2005
Finger Pulley and Ligament injuries
Hamstring and muscle strains - Inaugural Australian Health and Medical Research Congress (AHMRC), Melbourne 2003.
Imaging Features of injuries to the hamstring muscle complex. - Seventh International Olympic Committee (IOC) Olympic World Congress in Sports Sciences, Athens, Greece, 2003.
Comparison of MRI and ultrasound in the evaluation of injuries to the hamstring muscle complex. - Sports Medicine Australia (SMA) and Football Australasia; Controversies in 2003, Telstra Dome, Melbourne, 2003.
Comparison of MRI and ultrasound in the evaluation of injuries to the hamstring muscle complex. - Australian Musculoskeletal Imaging Group (AMSIG), Sydney 2002.
MR angiography of disorders of the hand and wrist. - Conference of Science and Medicine in Sports, Sports Medicine Australia, Melbourne 2002.
Imaging Features of injuries to the hamstring muscle complex. - Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), Chicago, USA 2001.
Imaging Features of injuries to the hamstring muscle complex. - Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR), Melbourne, 2001.
Imaging Features of injuries to the hamstring muscle complex.
Research Grants
Australian Football League (AFL) Research and Development Board: Prospective comparative analysis of the predictive accuracy of clinical versus radiological investigation (MRI and ultrasound) of hamstring injuries. Funding for AFL Premiership Season 2002
Grants - Outreach Programs
AMSIG: AMSIG / Radiology Across Borders (RAB) Inaugural Outreach Programme 2018 - Hanoi, Vietnam
International Skeletal Society (ISS) Regional Outreach Programme (ROP) October 2018 - Yangon, Myanmar
Australian Musculoskeletal Imaging Group (AMSIG) Annual Scientific Meeting, Melbourne, May 2017
- Conference Theme: Foot and Ankle Imaging
Australian Musculoskeletal Imaging Group (AMSIG) Annual Scientific Meeting, Melbourne, May 2012
- Conference Theme: The Tendon
International Skeletal Society Meeting Budapest, 2007, SSR Award: The sports hernia: What is it? How do I image it? What are its confounders? Zoga AC, Kavanagh E, Omar I, Koulouris G, Morrison W, Meyers W.
Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), Poster Presentation, cum laude award: Athletic Pubalgia and the "Sports Hernia": Optimal MR Imaging of the Pubic Symphysis Region and Pictorial Review of MR Technique and Findings. Omar IM, Kavanagh EC, Koulouris G, Bergin D, Gopez AG, Morrison WB.
Skeletal Radiology
American Journal Roentgenology (AJR)
Skeletal Radiology
Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine
Ultrasound Reference Group
SS International Liaison Committee
ISS Promotion Committee
2017 ISS Refresher Course Program Planning Committee